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Established in 2019, the Peace Club at Kirori Mal College responds proactively to escalating societal violence. Guided by the motto "Peace Begins with Me,” we believe in nurturing the youth as the linchpin for societal progress, arming them with the tools to foster inner peace and advocate for harmony both locally and globally.

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  • Prioritizing sustainable development and environmental consciousness as integral facets of peace-building.
  • Education and awareness form the bedrock of the Peace Club's endeavours.
  • Fostering interfaith and intercultural dialogue to cultivate mutual respect, understanding, and appreciation among diverse backgrounds.
  • Strong advocacy for non-violence as the cornerstone of lasting peace.
  • Empowering students as Peace Ambassadors and leaders driving positive change.
  • Harnessing the power of art, music, and cultural expressions to promote peace and harmony.
  • Collaboration with other institutions remains pivotal to our mission.

PAX GAIA 2021, an eagerly anticipated annual event hosted by the Peace Club, comprised engaging activities such as webinars, speaker sessions, and competitions. The main goal was to boost peacebuilding initiatives, highlighting the pivotal roles of the military and the economy. Attendees gained insights into peacebuilding strategies and the interconnectedness of different sectors through webinars and thought-provoking sessions. The competitions encouraged participants to display creativity and critical thinking, promoting active involvement and collaboration within the peace community.

Collaborating with Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti, we raised awareness about non-violent communication, drawing inspiration from Gandhian values.


In collaboration with, Bharat Soka Gakkai, we aimed to inspire students through ‘Seeds of hope and Action’ an exhibition to recognize their transformative potential in changing the world.

Our annual E-magazine Sadbhav, invites student submissions—poems, artworks, and research projects—focusing on peace and harmony.

Diwali Mails spread happiness during the festive season by providing a digital platform for students to exchange heartfelt messages.

Hosted an on-campus speaker session themed "Minding Our Minds," featuring renowned psychologists guiding attendees on essential intra-personal skills.

For International Yoga Day, we organized an enlightening online session exploring meditation's significance for holistic well-being.

A. Collaboration with Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti.
B. Emerging as a healing force in society and its surroundings.
C. Conducting diverse activities like conflict resolution discussions, Free Smiles Drive, and mental health problem-solving, innovatively spreading peace.

Reference links:

1. Induction-
2. Gandhi Smriti visit-
3. Mind over Matters-

D. A platform for hosting esteemed speakers from influential organizations such as the Ministry of Culture, United Nations Development, UNESCO in collaboration with MGIEP, and Art of Living.
E. Providing an open and private social media space for individuals seeking help with mental health issues like anxiety and depression.

