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The Department of Botany of Kirori Mal College came into existence in July 1973 when B.Sc. (Hons) Botany and B.Sc. (General Group) classes were started. Prior to this there was a Biology Department for instructions for the Pre-Medical course only. The Botanical Society of Kirori Mal College- MEDINI, was started with the aim of inculcating the spirit of adventure, learning beyond what is available in the textbooks and creating awareness. The Department conducts an Annual Inter-College competition for "The Vice Chancellor’s Rolling Shield on Environment." The rolling shield was instituted by the Vice Chancellor, University of Delhi, Prof. Gurbax Singh, in 1983. The main purpose behind the institution of the shield was to initiate a forum for environment activities to inculcate interest in and awareness of the environment in the minds of young students. The Department of Botany conducts various events including National Symposium, Independence Day, Republic Day, Freshers Party, Farewell, and botanical excursions. Under the flagship of SRISHTI- The Annual Botanical Fest, various educational activities such as workshops and symposia are organized every year.